Steve Jobs Throws Down Gauntlet – Calls Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Motto “Bullshit”

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It may be the biggest celebrity breakup of the 2009-2010 season. No, it’s not Brad and Angelina, or Jon and Kate Gosselin. It’s Apple and Google. In a meeting at Apple’s Cupertino headquarters last week, Steve Jobs let loose a no-holds-barred rant against Google and their pretence (at least) of do no evil, culminating in his saying that their “don’t be evil” motto is “a load of crap.” Some observers even claim that what Jobs actually said was that Google’s ‘don’t be evil’ is “bullshit”.

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Much of the source of Jobs’ wrath is Google’s recent entry into the phone business, with the Google Android Nexus 1.

Blasted Jobs, “We did not enter the search business. They entered the phone business.”

“Make no mistake: they want to kill the iPhone. We won’t let them,” he added.

Steve Jobs has dubbed Google’s “don’t be evil” mantra “bullshit.” Or at least “a load of crap.”

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Here’s how it happened: in response to a question from an employee that would have steered the conversation in another direction, Jobs first returned to the matter of Google, perhaps unintentionally – but humourously – mimicking his now-famous “And one more thing..” lead-in that he uses to announce new products.

According to Wired, Jobs responded to the question by saying “I want to go back to that other question first and say one more thing. This ‘Don’t be evil’ mantra: It’s bullshit.”

Other sources claim that Jobs didn’t say that it was ‘bullshit’, but instead said that “‘Don’t be evil’ is a load of crap.”

For their part, a week earlier Google’s CEO, Eric Schmidt, said of the relationship between Google and Apple that “I, as a former board member, have a special spot for Apple in my heart – but I will tell you Apple is a very well-run company. They have a lot of very good stuff coming. We have a couple of very good partnerships with them and we also compete with them in a couple of areas. My guess is that is a pretty stable situation for awhile.”

For some value of “a while” – which seems to equal about one week.

We wonder what they are going to tell the kids.

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One thought on “Steve Jobs Throws Down Gauntlet – Calls Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Motto “Bullshit”

  1. Jobs sounds so juvenile, almost like the Apple fanatics who buy everything Apple makes, and get weird crazy about anyone who dares buy something else.
    Maybe he has finally gone to the dark side. :)

    BTW, I use both a Mac Pro and a MacBook Pro. Love them both. I also use Google and will continue to do that as well.

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