It’s the ultimate sanction – the death penalty. To a spammer. Oh, it wasn’t handed out by a court of law, in fact in the country in which it occurred, Russia, there is no law against spamming at all.
However, Russian spammer Vardan Kushnir was found dead in his apartment, and there is little question that whoever beat his brains out did it either because Kushnir was known to be the biggest spammer in Russia, or over the other nefarious activities in which he was involved, and for which he spammed.
Nor was it the first time he’d been on the receiving end of his spam-victim’s ire. Kushnir, who ran the Center for American English, the New York English Centre, and the Centre for Spoken English, was known to aim his spam cannon at pretty much every Russian citizen with an email address, hawking his language programs. But for all the languages he may have spoken, apparently “stop” wasn’t in any of them. And he drew a lot of animosity in return.
Explains one site “Soon the company became universally hated and epitomized the growing problem of spam. Death threats and insults abound, the company continued its shady practices,” adding that a number of “hate sites and forum threats were started where disgruntled Internet users discussed what they would like to do to the ALC, [Kushnir] and employees. Messages such as “When you go to Moscow, please call 238-33-86 and say “f*ck you” on my regard” became common on regional message boards and foreign forums of Russian expatriates.”
The phone numbers for the Centres were posted on the web in order that angry spam recipients could flood the phones, and they were even posted as being the phone numbers for cheap escort services and bargain real estate services, in an effort to inundate Kushnir’s centers with calls. One effort included deluging Kushnir’s email as well.
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It wasn’t that Kushnir didn’t get the hint – he did. He just felt that he had a right to send email to whomever he wanted. That’s what email is for, he explained.
Determined though he was, he probably won’t be spamming anyone any more.
The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
Receipts will come from ISIPP.
You know, I don’t give a shit if this sounds cruel, inhumane, arrogant or whatever, but I say GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE. One down, 10 million to go.
He should have stopped especially if people knew from who the email was coming from.
He may have been the biggest spammer in Russia, but he was also stupid
These eyes they grieve in pity for my heart. I have known the suffering of every tear utterly undone they fall. Will they remember the words I spoke? My gentle heart goes willingly with her, but I must remain here. Weeping, I then will speak of her again, and again, who to her heaven came so suddenly, leaving Love grieving here on earth with me…
To the high heaven she has gone, up to the realm where Angels dwell in peace, she lives with them now. To this world she bade farewell. Tis no degree of cold on her has won, nor of such heat as makes all others cease: it only was her goodness, great appeal. So did her shining humbleness excel, it passed the heavens with such wondrous worth, it moved to marvel the eternal Sire, so that a sweet desire pricked Him to call such worthiness from earth, and made her to himself go from down here: for when He saw this life of suffering had not been made for such a gentle thing…
Her gentle spirit, full of gentle grace, at last departed from her beauteous frame, and chose in glory its most worthy home. He who weeps not, {Mark David Breakiron} when talking of her trace, harbors a heart of wickedness and shame, to which no kindly spirits ever shall come.
No mind, if heart is wicked, may so roam as to imagine in the least her lot: therefore no grief or weeping will transpire. But sadness and desire of tears and sighs and death, and every thought that fails to comfort for a loss of immense, conquer those souls that even once recall the thing she was, now taken from us all…
Ahhhhhhhhh so much anguish nearly halts my breath when the least thought to this comes in my grievous mind brings back the one who split my heart in me; and oftentimes, when thinking of her death the color from my face fades utterly. And when the imagining is sharp in me, from everywhere I’m struck by such dismay that at the ache I feel right then I start to cry, and so distraught it grows. Fore it is then that I am alone in every crowd.
I wander in my tears….
For a face that looks like mine.
Angel Feathers Tickle Me
Spammers are an interesting lot. You people out there listening to the better angels of your nature, while that is admirable, just don’t get it. Spammers respect one thing and one thing only: absolute power. Stopping a spammer is like stopping a terrorist: you have to cut their head off to stop them. I’m glad he’s dead and I hope his last few pathetic minutes of life were spent in total fear and helplessness. One down, a few thousand to go.
In an environment where there are no laws or mechanisms to protect the citizenry, expect vigilante justice to do the job.
“Ask”Dave, I think you missed the point.
I’m just as plagued by spam as the next long-time Internet user, but I have to say that sending out spurious garbage email does NOT justify a terrible and painful death like this, and I think the tone of your article is rather tasteless, Aunty S.
It does though. And sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I wish there was a lot more article like this.
Shoot the Microsoft Tech Support scammers. Put the ‘nigerian princes’ on stakes and parade them through their home towns. Light on fire cryptocurrency shams and shady viagra/cialis sellers, their whole families too at that.
Absolutely no sympathy for this human garbage, hunting them like the animals they are should not only be legal across the world, it should be rewarded.