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New Sidekick 3 Mailing List!

Here is a new Sidekick 3 mailing list (but don’t call it a “Sidekick III” mailing list!) for Sidekick 3 users, and those thinking about getting a Sidekick 3!

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Sidekick 3 Warning: Sidekick 3’s Magnet Will Erase Your Credit Card in Under a Second

The Sidekick 3’s swivel screen is held in place by a magnet. An incredibly strong magnet. In fact, it turns out, a magnet strong enough to wipe all your credit card or other magnetic strip card data in under a second. Don’t believe it? We have the pictures to prove it.

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Not Getting Edge Network or Edge Speed on Your T-Mobile Sidekick 3? If You Want Edge, It Will Cost You.

The new T-Mobile Sidekick 3 (not Sidekick III, no Roman numerals here!) came out this week, and our ongoing testing has revealed that the Sidekick 3, despite being Edge capable, is not actually yet on an Edge network. And if you want it, it will cost you.

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Sidekick 3 Bluetooth Services 411: T-Mobile Sidekick 3 Has Crippled Bluetooth Services

For what bluetooth services the T Mobile Sidekick 3 offers, it’s quite decent. Of course, it doesn’t have voice dialing. And it doesn’t stop there. Because it also doesn’t have any of the standard bluetooth services which you can get on pretty much any bluetooth-enabled phone now. Such as, you know, file transfer!

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Finding Help for the T-Mobile Sidekick 3 – Online User’s Manual for the T Mobile Sidekick 3

You can find an online users manual for the T Mobile Sidekick 3 at the Danger site (it is, after all, really the Danger Sidekick). To get online help for the Sidekick 3 (not the Sidekick III, as they did away with the Roman numerals with the Sidekick II), go here.

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T-Mobile Sidekick 3 Review: A Side-by-Side Comparison of the II and the 3 and Review of the T Mobile Sidekick 3

A Sidekick 3 by any other name (Danger Sidekick, Sidekick Phone, T-Mobile Sidekick – just not Sidekick III, please!) is the hottest new device to hit the streets. Complete with its own Sidekick 3 backgrounds (wallpaper) and its own Sidekick 3 bluetooth, here is a side by side comparison and review of the T Mobile Sidekick 3 (not the “T-Mobile Sidekick III” because they did away with the Roman numerals).

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Stolen Sidekick Thieves Leave Photo, Message Trail

After “buying” a stolen Sidekick, Sashacristal8905 at AOL used the stolen Sidekick to log into her AIM account, and take pictures of herself. And then was surprised when she was tracked down, and threatens the rightful owner! So does her brother, WarriorPena84, who is an MP in the Army.

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Is there an alternative to the Blackberry – a Replacement for the Blackberry? You Bet There Is!

As millions ponder a life without the RIM Blackberry device, they wonder “is there an alternative to the Blackberry? Is there a replacement for the Blackberry?” The answer is a resounding “yes!”

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T-Mobile Sidekick Part of Massive Outdoor “Urban Othello” Game

Urban Othello is an outdoor game of Othello, using city streets, and the T-Mobile Sidekick.

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Paris Hilton’s Teen DFNCTS Hacker Pleads Guilty – Member of Defonic Crew Team Screen Name Club

The Defonic Crew, also known as the Defonic Team Screen Name Club, or just DFNCTSC for short, is the hacking group to which the young hacker who hacked Paris Hilton’s Sidekick belonged. Now the youngest member of Defonic Crew has pleaded guilty to the hacking.

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Is the T-Mobile Sidekick About to Become the MCI Sidekick?

Is the T-Mobile Sidekick About to Become the MCI Sidekick? [Website maintenance provided by Usestrict and we love them!] This news release just came across Aunty’s desk, and inquiring minds want to know!: ASHBURN, Va., June 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — MCI, Inc. today announced a four-year agreement with Danger, Inc., provider…

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Paris Hilton’s Sidekick’s Teenaged Hacker Talks

As many of the Internet Patrol’s regular readers know, Paris Hilton’s Sidekick was hacked, and the data was posted to the Internet, several months ago. And they also know that one Nicholas Lee Jacobsen pleaded guilty to the T-Mobile hacking which is assumed to have lead to Miss Hilton’s Sidekick account being hacked.