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Mystery Podcast with Starlee Kine Helps You Solve those Nagging Questions

A new sort of mystery-solving podcast – aptly called Mystery – is hitting the podcast airwaves. Mystery, which features Starlee Kine (sometimes mistakenly called ‘Starlee Kind’ – although she clearly is kind), and which is offered by startup podcast house Gimlet Media, is just six episodes in and has already garnered a huge following.

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Bug in iPhone 4, iPhone 4s and iPhone 5 Running iOS6 Causes Phone to Automatically Start Playing Podcasts and Music After Phone Call – and Workaround

Some iPhone 4, 4s, and 5 users who are running iOS6 are finding that they have a rather annoying issue – iTunes music or podcasts automatically starting to play after they receive a phone call.

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List of Problems with the iPhone 5 Getting Longer

To iPhone 5, or not to iPhone 5? That is the question. User complaints and problems with the iPhone 5 seem to be growing daily. While no phone release comes without grumblings, Apple’s latest phone release seems to be rife with problems that has users less than pleased. Especially those who had to pay full price.

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The FBI Files: FBI Gets Into the Podcasting Business

You may not think of the FBI as a hip, Web 2.0 entity, but the FBI has announced that they are now offering three podcasts. To be more specific, they are offering three of their weekly radio shows in podcast format, covering closed FBI files, the history of the FBI, and more. The FBI shows are available both through iTunes, and the official FBI website. (What does FBI stand for? It stands for the “Federal Bureau of Investigation”).

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Our Christmas Gift to You: Three Things You Should Know

It is with both pride and gratitude that we present to you our Christmas gift to you – a free weekly podcast, with no strings attached, and by which we hope that you will be entertained and informed. The new podcast is called “Three Things You Should Know”, and each week it will be broadcast, free, brimming with information about three things that you’ll find useful and informative, entertaining and interesting.

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The Queen’s Royal Christmas Podcast – a Grand Tradition Gets a Modern Twist

This year, the Queen of England will not only be broadcasting her message by radio and television, but will also be making it available as a podcast. And, in fact, you can sign up right now, in advance, and have the Queen’s Christmas podcast delivered right to you as soon as it is available.

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iGod? Christian Podcast Shows and Roman Catholic Podcasts from the Vatican Radio a Hit

Referred to by some as iGod, Christian podcast shows and Roman Catholic podcasts from the Vatican have proven a huge hit.

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NerdTV Talk Show Now Available for Download

NerdTV is the new online television show bringing the pioneers and captains of industry into your home and, if NerdTV has their way, making them household names even in non-nerdy households.

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Apple iTunes Store Offers Porncasts

Late last month Apple announced that with the release of its newest iTunes software, version 4.9, it would be offering podcasts through the iTunes store. And indeed it is. [Website maintenance provided by Usestrict and we love them!] Now a tempest in a teacup is brewing over what some are…

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Podcasts from Another World

If only the Nasa hacker who was looking for aliens had known about Coast to Coast AM with George Noory he could have avoided a whole lot of trouble!

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What’s in a Name: The Blogcast Formerly Known as Podcast

According to the Seattle Post Intelligencer, the term “podcast” is a bit taboo around the offices, and with the employees, of a certain Redmond, Washington software giant. Hence they have taken to using the term “blogcast”, a term which the PI admits is somewhat awkward. The problem, you see, is…

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Download Music From Radio Over the Phone With Your Voice

Here’s an interesting new service! Imagine that you are driving along, listening to the radio (you guys do remember that classic antique, the car radio, right?) And a song comes on that you really like. Or that really annoys your spouse. Or something. For whatever reason, you decide that you’d…

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Pennsylvania State Senate Republicans To Offer Weekly ‘Podcast’

Those whacky Pennsylvania legislators sure are hip!: HARRISBURG, Pa., June 20 — State Senate Majority Leader David J. Brightbill (R-Lebanon) announced today that the Senate Republican Caucus has begun offering a weekly “podcast” on its website to expand its coverage of news affecting the lives of Pennsylvanians. The first program,…

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Get Started Podcasting! How to Guest Podcast!

We have had so many people ask about how they can do their own podcasts, especially if they don’t want to set up their own website, or invest in their own audio equipment, that we have set up a special service and site just for her dear readers who want to say it loud, say it proud, without the hassle of setting up their own podcasts!

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Podcast? The Who, What, When, Why, and Where of Podcasts and Podcasting

A new kid on the Internet block is the Podcast. It has gotten a lot of attention lately, but the majority of people have no idea what a Podcast, or podcasting, is. Many assume that it must have something to do with iPods (only partly true), and so must have…