Personal wireless access points (known by some as PWAP), also known as personal wireless hotspots, are becoming increasingly popular, as people are less and less willing to go without their Internet fix one minute longer than necessary.
So just what is a personal wireless access point, or personal wireless hotspot? It’s essentially a wireless cellular or 3G modem that allows some number of computers to connect to and through it in order to have access to the Internet.
One of the most popular of these is Verizon’s MiFi (pronounced “my-fi”, although some like to say “miffee”). The Verizon MiFi is about the size of a credit card, and about as thick as three credit cards stacked together. When turned on, this tiny device allows up to 5 computers to connect through it, wirelessly, to the Internet. From the end-user perspective, it is functionally identical to sitting at your local coffee shop and using their wifi hotspot. The only difference is that instead of being housed in a coffee shop, it’s in your pocket or briefcase or purse.
Another version of the personal hotspot is the Cradlepoint Personal Wi-Fi Hotspot. However, unlike the MiFi, the Cradlepoint is an add on for an already-existing 3G connection, such as one of the USB modems offered by Sprint or Verizon, or a 3G-enabled smart phone with a good data plan. The Cradlepoint allows you to connect your 3G data device, and turn the combination of 3G device + Cradlepoint into a personal hotspot to which you can connect other devices wirelessly.
Here at the Internet Patrol, we have been using a Verizon MiFi for several months, and we think that it’s the bees’ knees. The cost for the data plan is exactly the same as for a single-user USB modem, and being able to not only connect to the Internet from just about anywhere, but to share that connection with up to four others, is pretty spiffy.
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You can read more about the Verizon MiFi here, and read a review of the Cradlepoint here.
The Internet Patrol is completely free, and reader-supported. Your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP.
my son is on face book daily some times 25/7 what he saw and showed to me was shocking! Todd my son said he thought it might have been from a friend on mafia war but he didn’t know who did it but it was on the wall with pictures and pictures of porn! very,very graphic,I would hate for a young child to see it as it was extremely gross. Todd tried to find a way to let Facebook know but was unable to.i wish I had thought to write to you the day he found it but sorry I never thought to write you until today.Sorry Rach