Old Spice Guy Terry Crews Makes Beautiful Muscle Music in Interactive Old Spice Video

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If you liked Old Spice guy Isaiah Mustafa and his “I’m on a horse” commercial (and hey, who didn’t?), you may like the new interactive video from Old Spice in which you get to make music with new Old Spice guy Terry Crews.

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Using the old adage “sex sells” rather shamelessly, Crews is fitted with EKG leads, each going from a muscle to a musical instrument. Whenever he flexes a muscle, it plays an instrument, and Old Spice is inviting you to make sweet, sweet music. After being treated to 1 minute and 16 seconds of Terry on a flex-spree, making his biceps play drums while he intermentintely shouts, “MUSCLES!,” you can then use your keyboard like a musical keyboard to make your own music.

The interactive part does verge on creepy. Terry Crews sits there, staring at you, breathing and everything, and if you don’t start playing the music right away, he tells you that you better start playing that music. If you still don’t play that music, he starts yelling at you that he does not have all day. At that point we began playing the music because we were not entirely convinced that he couldn’t come through the screen and make us play.

Each key that you hit plays something different: various drums, horns and guitars. There is a whole set of saxaphones in the back that shoot fire when you hit the proper key. It is spectacular and much like a car accident, you don’t want to look, but you just have to. If your musical creation, or the resulting gun show, is a must-save, not to worry, you can record your jam session.

To behold the vision of Terry Crews playing music with his muscles, check out the video below:

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