MySpace Comments by MySpace Friends Out MySpace Player Who Was Feeding on the MySpace Girls of Colorado

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When Jesse from Denver thought that he’d found a good thing in MySpace friends, being able to find all those beautiful MySpace girls right near him whom he could play, and trick into befriending, bedding, and boarding him, he hadn’t counted on the fact that MySpace is a two-way street. It was the Myspace comments what done him in. Because the same MySpace girls whom he played and hurt so badly – and whom he’d found through MySpace Friends – found each other. And now they are repaying Jesse in spades.

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Jesse is now the focus of a MySpace lynching, organized by at least seven of the Colorado MySpace girls whom he “courted”, to put it politely, many at the same time. In fact, at least two thought that they might be carrying his child while he was engaged to a third. And the third, Crystal, is now paying off her $3,000.00 engagement ring because he put it on her credit!

The women of MySpace whom Jesse gyped and jilted have put together a new MySpace profile for Jesse, which starts out by saying that “This is 7 of his ex girlfriends warning others..”

The outing starts with a woman who goes by the MySpace name of SugaLips, and who explains “…he told me that he was a one woman man, that he was looking for a future. When I told him my lease was up in Feb he said how he wanted to buy a house around that time and that we could do it together and have a wonderful long life together, that I was someone that he saw himself spending the rest of his life with. I was the girl that waited for him to finish his LATE lunch date with his other girl friend on his birthday and TOOK him out for his birthday drinks…”

Then comes Stephanie, who explains that “Jesse pursued me through MySpace back in September, around his birthday in fact. E-mails back and forth were clean and cordial, he said that he was looking for a relationship and that I would make a great girlfriend for him. Eventually we started talking on the phone and things got graphic, he finally fessed that he would just rather pursue a sexual relationship with me instead. We were going to meet up after his supposed birthday dinner with his mom to talk hangout and get to know each other. He basically led me all the way to his house just to pursue sex from me, which he did not get (thank god). A couple weeks later, like around the time of the beer festival he was trying to solicit my best friend and I for a threesome. He said that if I could grant his ultimate wish of a threesome, that he would be indebted to me forever and that would work in my favor relationship wise. That him and I could be together forever. I knew there was something not right about this guy…”

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Next is Day Walker, adding her experience with Jesse: “So here’s my story… luckily I only dated Jesse briefly. I told him I had two deal breakers. Drugs and faith. So he told me he was a Christian who graduated from Colorado Christian University on a soccer scholarship, and that he NEVER did drugs. He said he was a “father” and an “adult”. A week later I found out he was addicted to cocaine.”

It culminates with the fiance, Crystal. “I was the fiance that for the last 7 months has supported his every financial need. I was lied to badly, I had no clue about any of the wemon that he cheated on me with, (some of who thought they were pregnant.) my whole entire life was a lie. He told me he went to KU and played a soccer getting full schoolership saying that he has a degree in finance, he has no degree. I found drugs in our house, he pushed me around, threw things at me, yelled every name in the book at me, I never knew about his criminal back ground, I have since had another girl email me and told me that she dated him at the same time as me and that we both took him out for his birthday and paid for everything, he told me that he was never married and I found out later that he was married, he applied for credit on my engagment ring, and put it in my freaking name, so now I owe 3000.00 on my engagment ring,”

There are several other women who have recounted their encounters with Jesse on these MySpace pages, and at least two have already taken him to court.

Sums up Crystal, ” I believe that I have never hurt so much before in my entire life, but the fact that I did not end up marrying him and having him cheat on me our whole entire marriage, I am relieved.”

So are we, Crystal, so are we.

If you want to read the hole sordid story, you can see it here, at Jesse’s MySpace Profile.

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6 thoughts on “MySpace Comments by MySpace Friends Out MySpace Player Who Was Feeding on the MySpace Girls of Colorado

  1. dude I need to know more about this man, I think he has a friend of mine in his clutches, please give me more infor. the myspace link says user ID invalid.

  2. I think it is sad that these, (how should I put this) Not so bright women will get themselves tangled in the internet dating web. It is a joke. It’s not to suprising that these women were taken advantage of. They will tell there deepest darkest secret to a “screen name” w./ no idea who is @ the other end of a computer.
    Its sad that these pathetic people will act suprized when they get lied to by “the one” they met online. Come on now girls have some self respect. Colleen, Phila pa

  3. Wow this is why i find online dating sooo stupid all those women were stupid just rlly stupid

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