Make Online Comics Featuring Yourself and Others with the Bitstrips Free Online Comics Maker!

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It’s pretty cool to be able to read comics online for free – but it’s very cool to be able to make online comics for free, and that’s just what you get to do with the Bitstrips free online comics maker! It’s especially cool when the free online comics feature you! The next time your friends read online comics, won’t they be surprised! And it’s really easy to make online comics with the Bitstrips interface!

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To make your own Bitstrips online comics, featuring you, and anyone else you want, you just go to the Bitstrips site, and sign up (again, it’s free). Then you create your own “avatar” – the image representing you, and any other avatars you like, and then you pull them into a comic strip template, and you’re off and running! You can also use the avatars that Bitstrips and other members have created, in your own comic strips!

Various editing tools on the site allow you to customize the appearance of your characters (including conveying mood through a variety of different facial expressions) and the posture of your characters,
and to include props (mugs, computers, etc.), furniture, and backgrounds.

To show how easy it is, here is a little comic strip that we whipped up this morning, that we call Geek Poseur

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Want to do this yourself? You can make online comics for free at Bitstrips.

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