Law Would Make it Illegal to Have Unsecured Wifi – Enforced Wireless Network Security

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Got wireless network security? A new law being proposed in New York would make it illegal for anyone with a business to have a wireless network which is unsecured, and which does not have a server with a firewall between the wifi and the Internet.

The proposed law, being introduced in Westchester county and sponsored by Westchester County Executive Anthony Spano, would “require Internet cafes as well as commercial businesses that use wireless networks to take basic security precautions to protect private customer information from potential data thieves and hackers.”

Sounds like a well-intended law, right?

But according to at least one report, the proposed law would require any commercial establishment with a wireless network to set up a “network gateway server”, and one Westchester county official said that they believed that the way that the law read, it would apply to home offices as well. According to the report, under the proposal any business “that stores personal information also must install such a firewall-outfitted server even if its wireless connection is encrypted and not open to the public. All such businesses would be required to register with the county within 90 days.”

It’s sounding more like a well-intended law proposed by a clueless politician just before election day.

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Said Spano of his proposal, “People don’t realize how easily their personal information can be stolen. All it takes is one unsecured wireless network,â€? Spano said. “Your credit card number, social security number, bank account information – it’s all vulnerable if a business that collects that information hasn’t taken the proper steps to protect it. Somebody parked in the street or sitting in a neighboring building could hack into the network and steal your most confidential data.â€?

“Identity and data theft is clearly a local threat here in Westchester,â€? he added. “We need to take steps to address this problem.”

Recommended reading:

Real 802.11 Security: Wi-Fi Protected Access and 802.11i

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One thought on “Law Would Make it Illegal to Have Unsecured Wifi – Enforced Wireless Network Security

  1. Looked like a political plum for a security “expert” (do nothing expert) until
    I got to the part about mandatory registration. If you don’t register they own you,
    if you do register they own you. Motherland (Russia), Fatherland (Germany), Homeland.

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