Know Thy Host (Before You Buy Webhosting)

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According to a site with the rather unlikely and cumbersome name of “”, as many as 60% of all webhosting sites do not deliver what they promise. Indeed, according to, they may take your money and not deliver at all.

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Says a note from the company, “signed up at 619 hosting companies. But only 288 webhosting accounts were created.

The most took the money, provided no service and answered no e-mails. Many of those companies do not exist anymore, but they did not remove their sign-up page and their payment processor still processed the money transfer.

They also tested 437 free webhosting providers. Surprisingly they were only able to upload their test site on 30 of them.

It seems to be that many novice webmasters offer free hosting, but they have problems to install and use their hosting scripts.”

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The company also reviewed both dedicated servers and premium packages.

According to the note from, they “recommend you to use only hosting companies that advertise, get referred by others, answer your e-mails or that have a huge customer list.These are proofs for their interest to host your website.”, which is located in Panama, provides, according to their site, “Listing of single servers and personal website hosting. Soon we will build a category for personals, singles website hosting.”

They do have an extensive list, with links, of all sorts of hosting sites. And not much more, at least yet, so it’s unclear what their actual service is other than providing a repository of hosting sites, which you can find at [Page no longer available – we have linked to the version instead].

The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
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One thought on “Know Thy Host (Before You Buy Webhosting)

  1. Beware, I do believe that site is some sort of spam-scam. They have emailed me three times about trading links and continue to do so even after requests and my lack of attention I have began to give them. I don’t want to affiliate with their site yet they continue to email me about it, same email over and over to email addresses that don’t exist on my domain, but go to my “catch-all” address. I wonder if other users are experiencing this?

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