Internet Connected Book Vending Machine “Espresso Book Machine” Prints Nearly Any Book for You on the Spot

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The Espresso Book Machine (“EBM”) is a new variation of “print on demand” – an Internet-connected book vending machine which, by tapping into a vast online book catalogue, can print – on the spot – your choice of a mind-boggling selection of two million titles, including currently in-copyright titles as well as those in the public domain, and out of print books! The Espresso Book Vending Machine is available from On Demand Books (ODB), and below we include a list of current Espresso Book Machine locations, so that you can see it in action.

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Explains On Demand Books, “The Espresso Book Machine (the “EBM”), which was named to Time Magazine’s “Best Inventions of 2007” list, provides a revolutionary direct-to-consumer distribution and print model for books. The EBM is essentially an ATM for books that automatically prints, binds, and trims, on demand at point of sale, perfect-bound, library-quality paperback books. These books, which have full color covers, are indistinguishable from other books sold in bookstores. A 300-page book can be produced in four minutes (serially, in three minutes) for a cost of consumables of a penny per page (the EBM can produce a book of up to 830 pages). “EspressNet,” the EBM’s proprietary and copyrighted software system, assures the security of publishers’ titles, automatically tracks all jobs, and remits all royalty payments. The EBM produces a books using letter sized (8.5″ x 11″) or A4 paper, tabloid (11″ x 17″) or A3 coverstock, toner, ink and glue. Ultimately, the EBM will make it possible to distribute virtually every book ever published, in any language, anywhere on earth, as easily, quickly, and cheaply as e-mail.”

Pretty nifty. And with certain distinct advantages over, say, Amazon who, despite having their own print-on-demand service, do not have all of the same offerings. In particular, the Espresso Book Machine’s ability to resurrect a previously out-of-print book is a stunning development for those bibliophiles with a penchant for the literarily extinct.

In fact if Amazon is smart they may want to consider offering private label EBM book vending machines of their own.

So where can you see the Espresso Book Machine in action? Well, if you happen to be near any of the below-listed locations – which are the only places where the EBMs are currently deployed – you’re in luck. Otherwise, you can see it in action here, via YouTube:

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Current Espresso Book Machine Locations:

Internet Archive, 116 Sheridan Avenue, The Presidio of San Francisco, San Francisco, California

New Orleans Public Library, 219 Loyola Ave, New Orleans, Lousiana

University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor Campus, 818 Hatcher South, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Northshire Bookstore, 4869 Main Street, Manchester Center, Vermont

Brigham Young University Bookstore, Wilkinson Student Center, University Hill, Provo, Utah

The InfoShop, The World Bank, 701 18th St. N.W., Washington, District of Columbia

New York Public Library, SIBL, 188 Madison Avenue, New York, New York

The University of Alberta Bookstore, 9012 Hub Mall, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

McMaster University Bookstore, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

McGill University Library, McLennan Library Building, 3459 McTavish Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

University of Waterloo Bookstore, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Blackwell Bookshop, 100 Charing Cross Road, London, UK

NewsStand UK, 88 to 84 London Business Park, Roding Road, London, UK

Angus & Robertson Bookstore, 360 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Australia

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, El Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt

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