How to Take a Selfie with the CamMe Selfie App

how to take a selfie
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Want to know how to take a selfie that will make you look like a supermodel or a superstud? Well, the clothes and makeup are up to you, but here is how to take a selfie that will eliminate the arms-length limitation, and the arm itself. Better than a camera timer, the CamMe (“cam me”) app waits for you to give it the signal, then snaps your selfie picture.

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Basically this is how the CamMe app works: Imagine a camera timer app that you can control remotely with simple hand gestures. Raising your hand up in front of you, with fingers outstretched (think of telling someone “Stop, don’t come any closer”) is how you get the app’s attention.

how to take a selfie cam me hand raised

Then, when you are ready to have it count down (three seconds) and take your picture, you close your fingers, making a fist. The app detects that motion, and starts the 3-second countdown, and then it takes your picture.

how to take a selfie cam me hand closed

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Here it is in action:

cam me raise your hand to take a selfie

cam me close your hand

In addition to taking the typical selfie (duck face or otherwise), because Cam Me can detect your hand motion from a range of up to 22 feet, you can fit other people in the picture, which is great for group selfies.

Says parent company PointGrab, “It’s all very Minority Report. And it’s free.”

You can get Cam Me for either iPhone and iPad, or for Android, here:

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