How to Remove Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods Market from Amazon Search Results

How to Remove Amazon Fresh from Amazon Search Results
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In this time of Coronavirus quarantine, social distancing, and sheltering in place, many people are turning to Amazon to get groceries, health and beauty supplies, and other home staples delivered. In part they are doing this because Instacart is booking out for many days, if at all, and Amazon Fresh and Amazon Whole Foods Market (Amazon’s delivery service from Whole Food) is frequently not allowing people to schedule deliveries at all. Same for Amazon Prime Now.

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And yet, when one goes to search for food and other items through ‘regular’ Amazon (you know, the service that ships things to your door via UPS, FedEx, or, increasingly, Amazon delivery vans) – i.e. you are not wanting to order through Amazon Fresh or Whole Foods delivery, the Amazon search results still offer you results from Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods, in fact often as the top results, even though you can’t actually get them!

Amazon search offering delivery from Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods
How to Remove Amazon Fresh from Amazon Search Results 3

Absolutely No Fresh or Whole Foods Delivery Available
How to Remove Amazon Fresh from Amazon Search Results 2

So, here is how to eliminate at least some of those Amazon Fresh and Amazon Whole Foods delivery results from your regular Amazon search results.

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How to Remove Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods Market from Amazon Search Results

First, you need to search for something, because you need to do this from a search results page, not the home page or your account page.

This method relies on the checking (and unchecking) of the various search options available on Amazon’s website. It is by no means a perfect method, but we have found that it really helps.

The first thing that you want to do is to make sure that the options under Local Stores are NOT checked. These are, yes, Amazon Fresh, and Whole Foods Market. You would think that not having those two options checked would be enough to have Amazon omit those items from your search results, but you would be oh-so-very wrong.

amazon search options

Once you have done that, employ one or more of the following three methods to remove Amazon Fresh and Amazon Whole Foods Market from your search results.

Method #1

This method may be all that you need, however we offer two additional options because each can yield different results.

Scroll down the set of options until you get to the ‘Seller’ section, and check

seller remove fresh whole foods options

Results with Checked
how to remove amazon fresh and whole foods market from amazon search results

If you want to broaden your results to include third-party sellers you can also check everything except Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods Market, however be warned that for each one you check, the page will automatically refresh, meaning you have to go through several refreshes, and back down to the Seller section to check the next box, each time you select an additional seller. Still, this can give you a wider selection of results from which to choose.

eliminate whole foods market and amazon fresh results

The next two methods will sometimes turn up search results that are not turned up by the first method.

Method #2

Scroll down until you get to the Subscribe & Save Eligible option, and check it.

amazon subscribe and save eligible

Our theory was that almost by definition, in order for Amazon to set you up with a Subscribe and Save subscription, it has to be something that they can ship to you on a regular schedule from a warehouse, and not something that relies on a local store having something in stock, and so far it works; it’s not perfect, and it’s not failproof, but it works. Note that you do not have to actually set up a subscription for these items, you can still put in a one-time order for them.

Results with Subscribe and Save Checked
eliminate amazon fresh results

Method #3

Scroll down the list of options again, this time to the packaging section, and select “Frustration-Free Packaging”.

amazon frustration free packaging option

Again, we figured, for Amazon to control which packaging you receive, they need to send it from a place where they have more control, i.e. their warehouse.

Results with Frustration-Free Packaging Checked
amazon frustration-free packaging fresh whole foods results removed

Not perfect, but it does eliminate the Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods Market delivery results.

So there you have it – three different ways to find what you’re looking for on Amazon without those pesky (and, at least for the time being, basically useless) Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods Market items turning up.

The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
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One thought on “How to Remove Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods Market from Amazon Search Results

  1. Yeah, Thanks for teaching Amazon how to stop people from doing just this. They have removed the abilities you have mentioned so now I’m stuck with Whole Foods results in every freaking search.

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