How to Make a Gratitude Watch with Your Apple Watch

how to create a gratitude watch with your apple watch
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A picture is worth a thousand words, the old saying goes, and perhaps nowhere is that more evident than in how a picture can instantly evoke a feeling in you. And that is how we got the idea of creating a “gratitude watch” with an Apple watch. Imagine how calming it could be to see a picture that fills you with gratitude every time you lift your wrist! And whenever you check the time – often an action that creates stress – that will be countered with an image that induces calm!

You can create your Gratitude Watch by using the option to create a custom photo album watch face (it’s very easy) on your Apple Watch. The custom photo album watch face option allows you to sync an album of pictures from the Photos app to your Apple watch, and every time that your watch wakes up (i.e. when you raise your wrist, or tap the watch) it will display a different image from that album.

Ready? Let’s get started.

How to Create a Gratitude Watch with Your Apple Watch

The first thing you will need to do is create the album of photos that you want to use on your Gratitude Watch.

To do this, go to your Photos app on your iPhone.

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iphone photos icon

Make sure that you are in the ‘Albums’ view.

iphone photos view albums

At the top of the screen, click on the “+” to create a new album.

iphone photos iphotos add create a new album

You can call this new album whatever you want; we suggest calling it “Watch” or something similar so that you will always be able to identify it easily.

create photo album for apple watch

Now, put whatever images you would like to appear on your Gratitude Watch into your Watch album.

create a gratitude watch album

In case you’re not familiar with how to select images and add them to an album from the Photos app on your phone, here’s how to do it:

Go to your images in any album (Camera Roll has them all) and at the top of the screen click on ‘Select’.

select images on iphone

After you have selected the images that you want to add to your Gratitude Watch album, click on ‘Add to’:

iphone photos add to album

..and click on your Watch album.

create a gratitude watch apple watch

This puts those selected images into that album.

images in gratitude watch album

Once you have your watch album set up, go to your Apple Watch app on your iPhone.

apple watch icon iphone

Go to the Photos area in your Apple Watch app

photos in apple watch app

Click on ‘Synced Album’ – it may show ‘Favorites’ as your synced Album, or it may not (sometimes it defaults to Favorites).

apple watch synced albums

And select your watch album.

create gratitude apple watch

Now the only thing left to do is to set that album as your custom watch face. Here’s how:

On your Apple Watch, with your current watch face displaying, force touch (i.e. push down firmly) to get to the face customization option. This will give you the option to change the watch face.

Scroll to the right (i.e. swiping to the left) until you see a face called ‘Photo Album’.

apple watch photo album face option

Tap on that face, and it will become your new watch face!

apple gratitude watch


And that’s how you create a Gratitude Watch with your Apple Watch!

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