If you are wondering “Where is my Google 1099”, well, you’re not alone in being unable to find your 1099 from Google. You probably got the same email from Google saying that “You can now find your 1099 for the tax year 2021 online” that has lots of people confused about where to find their Google Adsense 1099 form, because the link in the email from Google doesn’t go to the Google 1099! It goes to your account settings, not your Google 1099!
The email from Google, with the subject “Google Payments: Your US withholding tax reporting documents are available” is very clear. As the subject says, your tax reporting document (i.e. your 1099 from Google) is now available.
The email goes on to say that you can “Find your tax reporting documents online. You can now find your 1099 for the tax year 2021 online. If you have chosen to receive documents by postal mail, your document will also be mailed to you. You can review your documents or other information at any time in your tax settings.”
Then there is a big blue button that says “Manage tax info”
Could it be any clearer? You can “find your 1099 for the tax year 2021 online”. And “If you have chosen to receive documents by postal mail, your document will also be mailed to you.” “Also”, as in “in addition to it being available online.”
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However, that single link in the email, the one that the button goes to, takes you to “https://pay.google.com/gp/w/home/settings”, your payment settings, not your 1099.
What’s more, there is no way to access your 1099 from this screen; in fact not just not from this screen, but not from anywhere in the account to which this link takes you!
Let us repeat that: the link (button) in the email, the email telling you that you can find your 1099 online, takes you to an account other than the account in which you will actually find your Google 1099 (at least the 1099 for your Adsense payments, which we suspect is what 90%+ of you reading this article are looking for).
That’s right, Google sent this email about your 1099 with a link not to your Adsense account, which is where you will actually find your Google 1099, but instead with a link to the payment settings area of the general account where you provided your payment information.
So, here is where you will find that Google Adsense 1099:
1. Log into your Google Adsense Account
2. From the side menu, click on Payments
3. Click on ‘Payments info’
There you will see this:
Click on “Take me there”.
When you click on “Take me there” you will be taken to a page where, at or near the bottom of the page, you will see this:
Click on the link, and there you will find your 1099.
The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
Receipts will come from ISIPP.