If you have a Canva account, you can be forgiven for not knowing that it was breached, as not all, if any, Canva users got a notification from Canva about the breach, even though more than 136million users had their private information compromised. And by private information we mean your email address, geographic location, name, username, and password. So you may be wondering how to cancel, deactivate, and delete your Canva account.
Said an alert from breach notification site HaveIBeenPwned:
You’ve been pwned!
You signed up for notifications when your account was pwned in a data breach and unfortunately, it’s happened. Here’s what’s known about the breach:
Email found: [redacted]
Breach: Canva
Date of breach: 24 May 2019
Number of accounts: 137,272,116
Compromised data: Email addresses, Geographic locations, Names, Passwords, Usernames
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While Canva did not send out notifications to everyone, they did put up some information on the Canva site, if you knew where to look for it, which is here. There Canva says, of the hackers:
- They accessed information from our profile database for up to 139 million users. The profile database contains usernames, names, email addresses, country, and optionally, user-supplied data about their city and/or homepage URL which was available through their public profile.
- They accessed cryptographically protected passwords (these were individually salted and hashed with bcrypt) for any of those users with username/password logins.
- They claimed to have obtained OAuth login tokens for users who signed in via Google. Our OAuth tokens are encrypted with AES128 and the encryption keys are securely stored elsewhere. We have found no evidence they downloaded the OAuth tokens or tried to access the keys.
- They briefly viewed files with partial credit card and payment data. We found no evidence these files were stolen. Files contained partial credit card data from before September 28, 2016 (name, expiry date, last 4 digits, card brand and card country), and payment histories from before September 16, 2017 that contained transaction dollar amounts, dates, and IDs for some payments for users and contributors. These limited card details cannot be used for payments. Canva never stores full credit card details.
Now, if this seems to you, as it does to us, like something Canva should have sent you a direct notification about, you may feel like Canva has not handled this very well. And as a result, you may be feeling like, rather than just changing your Canva password, as you will be prompted to do the next time you log in to Canva (which may be the first time you would have been made aware of the breach, were you not reading this very article), you would instead prefer to not trust Canva with your private information at all. And so you may want to completely cancel your Canva account. Here’s how to do it.
How to Cancel Your Canva Account
As we mentioned above, when you first log in to your Canva account you will be prompted to change your password because, you know, they had a breach. The irony of changing your password to a new password just so that you can cancel the account may not be lost on you, but change it you must.
Once you provide a new password, and so gain access to the site, click on the drop-down arrow next to your name in the upper left-hand corner of the site.
From the drop-down, select Account settings.
From the Account settings area, click on ‘Billing & Teams’.
Now, waaaaaay down at the bottom of the Billing & Teams section you will see this:
When you press the ‘Dactivate account’ button, it will pop this up:
The moment you hit that Deactivate button, you will see this:
And that’s how to cancel and delete your Canva account.
The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
Receipts will come from ISIPP.