Here’s How to Send a Link to Your Browser on Your Computer from Your iPhone!

Here's How to Send a Link to Your Browser on Your Computer from Your iPhone!
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You know how sometimes you are looking at your browser on your phone, and want to send the link to yourself so that you can open it in your browser on your computer? Wish that you could send a link from your phone directly to your browser on your computer and have it open the page on your computer? How often have you thought to yourself “I wish I could just transmit the link to my computer and it would automatically open the page in my browser”? Well read on!

It’s kind of a hassle in general to get a link from your phone onto your computer and then open it. First you have to either copy and paste the URL from the browser on your phone or use the “share” feature, and then either text or email it to yourself, then open the message or email on your computer, and then click on the link to open that same page on the browser on your laptop or other computer. This takes a minimum of four steps just to get the link opened on your laptop’s browser. Sure we’re all used to doing it that way, but wouldn’t it be cool if you could send the link from your phone directly to your browser on your computer, and have your computer’s browser automatically open the link to that linked page? Guess what, you can!

Through the magic of the Bumpr app for Mac, it takes only 2 quick taps! Note that this “send a link from your phone to be opened by your computer’s browser” magic is currently only available for Apple Mac computers and the iPhone, because it takes advantage of Apple’s “AirDrop” on the Mac. For those not familiar with AirDrop (or who are just not sure exactly what it does and how it works), AirDrop is Apple’s proprietary close range peer-to-peer transfer technology. Basically the way it works is that it first uses Bluetooth to find other Apple devices in close proximity, and then it creates a tiny ad-hoc peer-to-peer wifi network between the two devices for the express purpose of transferring whatever you are going to transfer from one device to the other; as soon as the transfer is complete the tiny wifi network connection is closed.

In this image you can see both the AirDrop option, and that the iPhone has found, via Bluetooth, an Apple product to which something can be transferred (or from which something can be transferred) via AirDrop.

How to Send a Link to Your Browser on Your Computer from Your iPhone!

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Bumpr is an app that you install on your Mac (there is nothing to install on your iPhone, it just uses the native AirDrop utility on your iPhone). You can think of Bumpr as a traffic cop: when your computer notices an incoming link from your phone via AirDrop, Bumpr directs it directly to your browser (if you use more than one browser on your Mac computer, you can tell Bumpr which one you want it to use; if you want Bumpr to give you a choice of browsers each time you send a link you can have it do that too).

If you select just one browser (as we have here in the picture below) then Bumpr will automatically open that browser to the linked page, you don’t have to do anything else!

Bumpr browser menu
Send a Link to Your Browser on Your Computer from Your iPhone

The one thing that may seem a bit confusing is that when you click on an email link on a browser page on your computer, the email dialogue will ask to open the instead of the, but it is actually opening your email app just like always.

bumpr app email from browser

Bumpr costs $2.99 in the Mac app store, and we have to tell you that it’s the best $2.99 we’ve spent in a long time!

You can download Bumpr here <-- not even an affiliate link!

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