You may have recently received spam through an email service called EMLSend or GumbaMail being provisioned via, for example spam from ComplianceSR. And so now you are wondering who is behind the curtain. The answer is an ESP called AcumbaMail.
Who are GumbaMail, EMLSend, and AcumbaMail?
AcumbaMail is an ESP based out of Spain. They are also, and EMLSend. Despite being in the EU, where they are required to adhere to the requirements of GDPR, and to make sure that their email-sending clients also adhere to the requirements of GDPR, they very clearly are not doing this. AcumbaMail has been around in some form or other since at least 2011.
The AcumbaMail Terms of Use specifically state that “In the event that the Client were responsible or liable for the use of the service for unlawful purposes and/or for the mailing of unsolicited or unauthorized advertising («spamming»), causing damage to the reputation of Acumbamail and/or to the functioning of its service, such as the registration of one or more mailing or second level domain IPs linked to the service on a Relay Block List or international Blacklist (including but not limited to such blacklists as URIBL, SURBL, SORBS, SPAMCOP, SPAMHAUS, and others), or a blacklisting or relay block listing with any Internet Service Provider (including but not limited to such ISPs as Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, AOL, Godaddy, Register, Aruba, Fastweb, Alice and others), the Client shall be considered the sole and exclusive responsible for this material breach, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Acumbamail from and against any liability whatsoever in such regard, and Acumbamail reserves the right to take action in the advisable forums to obtain compensation for damages, whether suffered by Acumbamail itself or third parties, caused by such conduct.
Doesn’t really give much confidence in their actual desire to not be a source of spam, does it? And indeed, the spam emitting from their system bears that out. In fact an entity called ComplianceSR (oh the irony) has been copiously spamming through them for weeks. ComplianceSR claims to be “create the latest and informative webinars and training sessions on governance, compliance and regulatory, suitable for individuals and corporations.” Have we mentioned the irony?
For those curious, this came from AcumbaMail’s IP block of –
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Here’s a sample of the spam, full headers below:
Reminder Summarizing and Analyzing Data
Reply-To: ComplianceSR
Summarizing and Analyzing Data with Excel Pivot Tables
Live Webinar – 75 Minutes
August 26, 2022
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PivotTables can help you sort and sift through large data sets to focus quickly on just the data elements that matter most to your specific needs.
In just one fast-paced and informative training session, you’ll learn how to use PivotTables to sort your data more efficiently, create multiple customized reports in a few easy steps and gain a powerful new tool to help you make better business decisions.
In addition, you’ll get tips on the easiest way to group your data. Most importantly, when you use the power of PivotTables, you’ll be saving time and making your job easier.
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Reminder Summarizing and Analyzing DataComplianceSR
Reminder Summarizing and Analyzing Data
Reply-To: ComplianceSR
Reply-To: ComplianceSR
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; charset=”utf-8″; boundary=”477ff63bc68b0fcdb4d0ac9a242c3476″
Mime-Version: 1.0
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The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
Receipts will come from ISIPP.