Get a full free month’s trial of the awesome PhoneTag (formerly Simulscribe) voicemail service that sends your voicemail as text to your email! It’s a voicemail to text service that works with almost any cellphone service! The Phone Tag (formerly Simulscribe) voicemail to email service allows your callers to leave voicemail just as they always do when they call your cell phone, however the voicemail is transcribed and sent to your email inbox as text, plus a .wav file is included so that you can listen to the message if you want to. And now, thanks to a special arrangement by the Internet Patrol with Phone Tag, you can try it free for a full month!
We’ve been using Phone Tag here at the Internet Patrol since it first started as Simulscribe, and it is absolutely amazing! Never dive for the phone again – no having to put off checking voicemail while you are in a meeting – and never lose a message again, because it’s there in your inbox!
Here’s how they themselves describes their amazing service:
“SimulScribe offers a simpler way to handle voicemail. SimulScribe converts your voicemail into text messages and then sends them directly to your mobile phone, Blackberry, Goodlink enabled phone and/or your email account.
You can instantly see who has called and what they said, whether you are sitting in a business meeting or traveling on the road. Your voicemail functionality does not change; it can still be listened to and stored for later use.
The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are VERY appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP.
Read voicemail on your mobile phone, portable device and/or e-mail
Whether you are in a meeting, traveling, or on the golf course, you can instantly see who called, what they said, and you won’t have to listen to all of your messages to find out about an important missed call
Use the SimulScribe online user interface to search, sort, archive and delete voicemail like email
You won’t have to write down the information from a voicemail; important numbers, names and addresses are easy to find, easy to access and will never get lost
Respond in text by forwarding the message to another person
Voicemails delivered as text when you are roaming saves you money
You can still listen to the message as an audio file that is sent direct to your e-mail or dial in to the voicemail system
Keep the same voicemail functionality that you are used to; all dial-in voicemail functionality stays the same”
Even at full price this fabulous service is only $9.95 a month (that includes up to 40 messages, and it is just .25 for any message above 40).
But now, by special arrangement with the Internet Patrol and Phone Tag, you can try the full service out, for a full month, for free! Just follow the special Internet Patrol link below to try Phone Tag for a month for free (and if for any reason you don’t like it you can instantly shut it off and go back to you regular old voicemail – although we can’t imagine ever using regular old voicemail again!)
You must use this link to get the full month of service free – so feel free look around the SimulScribe site, but be sure to use the page that this link takes you to in order to get the free 30 days!
[destination content has been removed at other end :~( ]
The Internet Patrol is completely free, and we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us out of our pocket to keep the site going (going on 20 years now!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated!
Receipts will come from ISIPP.
I’ve been using Simulscribe for months now and we LOVE It!!