Download Internet Explorer – Why and Where

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Why would someone want to download Internet Explorer? After all, Internet Explorer comes standard with every version of Windows, and even some other operating systems. Mac OS X, for example, comes with a free copy of Internet Explorer for Mac. Still, an Internet Explorer download may be necessary for some systems, or an Internet Explorer download may be required in order to upgrade the existing version of IE on a system. Also, you may need to download an Internet Explorer service pack in order to update your Internet Explorer security.

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What ever the reason you desire an Internet Explorer download, there are a few things you should know.

First, the primary and safest place from which to download Internet Explorer is the Microsoft website itself. There are many other places which offer an Internet Explorer download, and some are legitimate mirrors, but not all. And with so much phishing and other nasty things going on around the Internet, why take a chance?

For much the same reason, if you get an email telling you to upgrade your version of Internet Explorer, don’t click on any links in that email! Instead, go to the Microsoft website by typing in the address in your web browser. If you really need to download Internet Explorer for some reason, there will be a notice saying as much on the Microsoft site. And if there isn’t, well, you just saved yourself and your computer from a phishing attempt or from having a virus downloaded onto your system.

So, all that said, where should one go for their Internet Explorer download or upgrade?

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The main Microsoft Internet Explorer webpage is available here. And you can get a list of the top ten most popular Internet Explorer downloads here.

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6 thoughts on “Download Internet Explorer – Why and Where

  1. what should i do when my internet explorer says hacked_by_dream on tabs? pls. help me

  2. I did what I could to delete IE when I had IE6. Ever since I have been hosed. Don’t delete it!!! I have all kinds of issues with installing MS software and many others. If anyone can help me reinstall this beast I would appreciate it; I’ve downloaded and installed IE7 but it is not listed in my start bar or on my desktop and nothing seems to be able to find it – it’s almost as if I didn’t reinstall. Ugg – Microsoft is a demon we just have to live with.

  3. I keep getting a message that IE cannot display webpages. So someone told me to uninstall IE7 and reinstall IE6. Then someone else told me to install Firefox. I don’t know what to do….can you help me with this? I’d really appreciate it.

  4. That of course is a big duh to anyone that has been around a while. but not so many years ago this would have been at least an important reminder for me. With thousands of new suscribers to the I-net every day messages like this can save many from worries. Those savy enough to run Linux of course feel superior. Post this basic stuff it is important! C

  5. Why in the world would ANYone want to download IE? Ever? It comes with every version of Windows since 95 and the upgrades are pretty simply built in via Windows Update. Besides, for those of us running Linux, there is no IE version that will work… and some of us are quite happy that way.

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