Cellular phones which are capable of tracking children and monitoring their movements are being introduced by Motorola, according to Motorola Chairman and CEO Edward Zander. Motorola is the third largest manufacturer of cellular phones.
Cellular phones have become ever so much more than telephones of late. Referring to the ongoing convergence of technology, and how cellular phones now provide entertainment, Zander said “Mobile phones today are more like television when I was a kid,” adding that “there is a way to keep it secure.”
According to Zander, the new cellular phones will offer both a tracking capability, and carry software to censor content and obscene text.
Motorola marks the third entrant into the children’s cellular phone market. Earlier this month the Leapfrog Tic Talk and the Firefly cellular phones for children were introduced and, in fact, are already shipping.
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hi my name is kate my parents controle me
I hate it so I brokce my cell phone and now I live alone under a bridge
And I love my live so much it is much better then before
love you all
I love the FOMA SA800i available in Japan but would like to be able to lock it down like the Firefly. Is it possible to even limit the text messaging to certain numbers, and not allow internet access. It might also be nice to have a schedular and notepad.
The Teddyfone available in the UK has 10 times less emissions than a conventional mobile phone.
A pre-teen or teenager would be embarrassed to carry around a firefly,LG Migo. The tick talk isn’t to bad but beacause of the leap frog the won’t use it. But they are definately not responsible for the adult phone.
It would be nice to have a phone they could carry through to young adult.