Below is the PDF of the full text of the Department of Health and Human Services deck of slides of their Summary Report of Covid Hospitalizations, Cases, and Testing. This document is current as of this Tuesday (Tuesday, October 27, 2020). The report contains data about both current general trends in hospitalizations from Covid-19, as well as identifying regions where hospitals are already heading towards maximum capacity, and even identifying specific facilities that are near capacity or even essentially maxed out (a hospital in Tampa, Florida is at 99% capacity for adult ICU patients).
NOTE: The Internet Patrol makes no judgement nor offers any opinion about the content of the document. The Internet Patrol is simply making it available because we know how, and people are searching for it.
According to the report (see below) “Understanding how the nation’s hospitals are being utilized is critical to being able to provide support at a national, state, and local level. This understanding depends on daily reporting for more than 5,000 hospitals across the nation.”
Yet public health experts and news outlets are alleging that the sharing of this vital information gathered by DHHS is being kept from the public and from public health officials, with it being shared with only a handful of staffers, and only one member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force. They point out that having this information can be valuable, and life-saving, as the reports include which regions have hospitals that are already near capacity, and in some cases it even lists individual hospitals that are near capacity, which means that with this information local public health officials could steer patients away from full hospitals to hospitals that still have the bandwidth to accept and care for Covid patients.
For example, the report states that:
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– Rhode Island has the highest estimated 3-day average for estimated inpatient bed utilization (85.6%)
– Mississippi has the highest estimated 3-day average for staffed adult ICU bed utilization (86.3%)
– Alabama has the highest estimated 3-day average estimated ventilator utilization (45.2%)
It also lists Spectrum Health – Butterworth Campus in Michigan at 93.7% inpatient bed capacity, Tampa General Hospital in Florida at 99.0 adult ICU bed capacity, and Barnes Jewish Hospital in Missouri at 65.6 ventilator usage capacity.
State and Facility Specific Statistics
The report also predicts where the next outbreaks will be, which is information that would be useful to public health officials at the state, county, and local level.
According to the statistics, nearly a quarter of hospital intensive care units (ICUs) in the United States are already up over 80% capacity, and inpatient numbers, ICU admissions, and ventilator use have all increased by 14%-16% in the past month.”
A Department of Health and Human Services spokesperson said that, “Our goal is to be as transparent as possible, while still protecting privacy HHS and the White House Coronavirus Task Force utilize hospital capacity data to gain greater insights into how COVID-19 is spreading and impacting the population, and to better inform response efforts like staff deployments and supply shipments.”
Here is the report.
Daily Summary Report (Hospitalizations, Cases, Testing) 27 October 2020
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No good when you can’t increase the size. On my phone and I cannot see it.