Don’t Open Any AudioFileWall V-Mail or ☎︎ Email Attachment: It’s a Trap!

Don't Open Any AudioFileWall V-Mail or ☎︎ Email Attachment: It's a Trap!
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Hello, 2019 called and wants their AudioFileWall (Audio File Wall) V-Mail “it says you have a voice mail but really it’s malware” spam back. Because that spam, carrying that malware, is back. Or at least carrying similar malware. Although some versions are actually voicemail phishing scams, meaning there is a real voicemail, telling you to call a certain number, or log into a certain account. Either way, delete with extreme prejudice!

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Each version of this spam carries the same subject line: “AudioFileWall™️” (let us know if you get one with a different subject line!) Of course readers of the Internet Patrol already know to approach any unexpected attachment with extreme caution and even cynicism, but it’s always good to have a reminder, and the AudioFileWall spam is a good opportunity for that reminder.

Don't Open Any AudioFileWall V-Mail or ☎︎ Email Attachment: It's a Trap!

This new spam run started sometime last week, and continues into this week; prior to now it hadn’t reared it’s ugly head since the latter half of 2019. At that time both Lawrence Abrams of Bleeping Computer, and Tomas Meskauskas of PCRisk, noted the malicious emails.

Explained Abrams over at BleepingComputer, “Over the past few weeks McAfee Labs has been observing a new phishing campaign using a fake voicemail message to lure victims into entering their Office 365 email credentials,” McAfee researchers stated. “At first, we believed that only one phishing kit was being used to harvest the user’s credentials. However, during our investigation, we found three different malicious kits and evidence of several high-profile companies being targeted.”

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Over at PCRisk Meskauskas wrote that “This spam mail aims to promote a phishing website designed to record information entered into it. The page requests users to sign in using their email account log-in credentials (i.e., email addresses and corresponding passwords). Hence, by trying to log in through this webpage – users can have their email accounts stolen.”

We first noted that 2019 one ourselves when seeing this post from our friends down under at MailGuard. What’s curious about all of these versions is that they seem to either originate from or pass through a Microsoft Outlook account (not all the same accounts, but all Microsoft accounts). Things that make you go hmmm.

They also all seem to be of the variety of spam which seems to be coming from yourself, which is, of course, another tip-off that it’s spam.

So far we’ve received three samples of this AudioFileWall email; if you’ve received the same or similar spam, please let us know in a comment.

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