All About Amazon’s Packaging Feedback Program

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Almost a year ago, Amazon introduced its frustration free packaging. Now Amazon wants you to let them know how they’re doing, with the Amazon Packaging Feedback program, through which you can let Amazon know whether your order arrived in packaging that was too big, too small, or just right.

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Explains Amazon, “At Amazon, we are working to improve all aspects of our business. This includes the way in which we ship packages to our customers. The Packaging Feedback Program is designed so you can tell us if your items arrived in good condition and in appropriate-sized packaging. We’ll use your input to improve product and Amazon packaging.”

Here’s how to give Amazon your packaging feedback:

Log into your Amazon account, and click on the “help” link in the upper right-hand corner.

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Look along the left-hand side, in the “Shipping & Delivery” links section, and click on the “Packaging Feedback” link.

This will take you to a list of your most recent orders, from which you can select the one for which you’d like to leave packaging feedback. You can leave feedback for orders that are up to 60 days old.

Once you click on the link for the order for which you’d like to leave packaging feedback, you’ll be at the packaging feedback form. This allows you to rate the packaging and to leave feedback about the size of the packaging. It also allows you to include a note, and to upload a picture, if you’d like.

So, the next time you get a package from Amazon and wonder “why did they use such a big box”, let them know about it!

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6 thoughts on “All About Amazon’s Packaging Feedback Program

  1. Received my 3-disc DVD set in a padded envelope. The case was crushed, broken in pieces upper left corner, but the discs (Thank God) were OK. This is not proper packaging for a delicate item. Shipping items that can brake via UPS in not very smart, without a more durable container. You charged me $4.98 for shipping. Don’t be so CHEAP!

  2. Received 3 items shipped together.
    Being charged two s&H charges.
    $5.06 $3.97

  3. I recently received a photo book from Amazon (Order ID 103-6591472-5429818. The lower half of the laminated front cover of the book was bent back when it was jammed into the shipping envelope. I paid $8.98 for shipping & handling and I am very disappointed with the shabby packing used by Amazon. Next time I will purchase a book in new condition from Chapters.

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